The scarf belonged to Charles I., who wore
it at the battle of Edgehill, and gave it after
the battle to Mr. Adam Hill of Spaldwick,
who rallied his troop of horse, and is said to
have thereby preserved the life of the king.*
Souvenirs of this king must have been
carefully treasured by the Royalist party. A
needlework portrait of Charles I.,f in a small
oval medallion, was formerly in the collection
of Lord Zouche. The king wears a white
falling collar, and has the ribbon of the Garter.
The portrait, entirely of silk embroidery, is
a work of great skill. It may be compared
with another representing his favourite, the
Duke of Buckingham, which adorns the cover
of a volume of " Bacon's Essays," given by
the author to the duke, and now in the
Bodleian Library at Oxford.
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