Another class of embroidery, requiring
a great deal of time and patience for its
execution, found favour in the reign of
Elizabeth, and, with certain modifications,
has never since quite lost its popularity.
It is known in France as " petit point," a
term for which there is no satisfactory
English equivalent. The work is usually in
wools and silks of various colours on a canvas
or coarse linen ground, which is entirely
hidden by the needlework. The effect pro-
duced somewhat resembles that of a tapestry,
although the dimensions are generally small,
and the stitching is fine (Plate 41).*
It is not possible to enter, to any extent,
into the attractive subject of needlework as
associated with the mansions and manor-
houses of England. Some of these are well
known to contain embroideries which have
been associated with them and their occu-
pants for many generations.
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