Its most patent characteristic
is perhaps its grotesque ugliness ; but another,
which more effectually differentiates it, is
the high relief, produced by stuffing and
padding, introduced into many parts of the
design. Tent curtains, draperies, etc., are
so made that they can be pulled aside, the
arms of the figures are modelled in the round,
and rockeries are thrown into deep relief.
The work is, in fact, a mockery of sculpture,
and departs altogether from the legitimate
province of the needle. It is not considered
necessary to enter far into the history of this
branch of our subject. A summary of its
principal characteristics, and a short descrip-
tion of a few examples, is all that will be
attempted.* A large number are in the form
of caskets and work-boxes. Many of these
are fitted with cupboards, sliding drawers,
and secret recesses, and provided with ink-
wells, glass bottles, and other requisites for
toilet and writing purposes. Mirror-frames
are frequently embroidered in this way.
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