One of the larger embroideries at Hard-
wick, worked on canvas in coloured silks
and silver-gilt thread (Plate 46), bears in
the middle the arms of Talbot impaling
Hardwick, surrounded by the Garter. The
armorial devices in the corners are as fol-
lows : (i) a shield, Talbot impaling Hardwick,
within a wreath having the initials E.S.,
G.S. ; (2) The Hardwick crest, a stag trip-
ping, with initials E.S.; (3) the Talbot badge,
a Talbot dog, with initials G.S. ; (4) the
Cavendish crest (an intertwined serpent) sur-
rounded by the motto CAVENDO TVTVS,
still borne by the Dukes of Devonshire.
The complicated heraldry of this piece is
explained by the short biographical reference
to Elizabeth of Hardwick (p. 82).
This description of Elizabethan embroidery
may be closed by a short reference to the
Broderers' Company, incorporated by the
queen three years after her accession to
the throne. The company, however, is men-
tioned at an earlier period, and it was pro-
bably in existence three centuries before.
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