The larger cushion, of the same style and period, has a pattern of
flowers, fruit, birds, and insects, in coloured
silks, on a canvas ground embroidered with
silver thread. The lady's jacket reproduced
in Plate 49 f belongs to a valuable collection
of costumes, worn by various members of
the Isham family of Lamport Hall. The
costumes range from the time of Elizabeth
to the end of the seventeenth century, and
form a unique collection. The jacket, which
is of pink silk, finds a place in this volume |
on account of the embroidery. The scrolling
pattern is formed by an outline of blue silk !
entwined with silver thread.
An embroidery of some historical interest
belonging to the next reign was presented
to the Victoria and Albert Museum by Sir
Edward Denny, Bart., together with other
things, in 1882 (see p. 77). It is a military
scarf,J such as may be seen in many portraits
of the seventeenth century, worn across the
cuirass and passing over one shoulder.
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